trying to think of how i should set up for an upcoming show, i would have to have some backing track for once because of how ive been recording my resent material. id probably end up just line out thru my phone into my mix with my ds-1 in effects send. i wanna host little get togethers for the release of my album whenever that happens, yall are not invited.
in favor of autotune haha. im slow to make new music but i have been making a couple demos this week. still having a hard time meshing my electronic stuff into my guitar stuff. ive been wanting to do more layered improv guitar like on my first ep, and i think that would work better with my electronic stuff since its primarily beats. that gum you like is coming back in style. i really wanna get a roland s1 or a roland tr8; it would be cool to find a drum machine on ebay because i dont particularly want to get stuff that is like over $200 its not worth it especially if it only does like drums or does an effect idk. i might splurge on a boss rc-20 or an re-20, but the re-20 keeps going up in price seems not so worth it. i have an expression pedal now so i could just get the re-2, up in the air.
happy new year! my albums of the year for 2024 were pull the rope by ibibio sound machine, cold visions by bladee, only god was above us by vampire weekend, i got heaven by mannequin pussy, guard dog graveyard by emogen33, and 13 frank beltrame by xiu xiu, though im still sifting through a recent youtube playlist of mine where i have most of the new releases for the year. i am slow to go through due to my ever growning cd addiction. i now listen to them on the way to work, and use them to play a majority of the music i hear. besides drake, who is played alot at my job, to my misfortune. i have been really slow to work on my album, but i continuously work on my lyrics. 1.24.25 i thought liking brat was a given so thats why i didnt list it
im currently listening through alot of the new releases for this year. the new vampire weekend is exceptional, i havent listened to much of them before now. birdfeeder by a country western is great and is highly recommended to those who love duster. pull the rope by ibibio sound machine is excellent!!! im excited to relisten to laughingfish by black dresses; i made a huge playlist of all the releases i was interested in but that particular one is later down the line. lots to look forward to in the dying hours of 2024. hope that the next year will keep me happy and lively with all the new tunes.
hoping to finally catch a combat show tomorrow night! listening to mitski cd before work today, who doesnt like a good old album? be the cowboy! too bad its scratched around the last couple tracks. im a freak though and love ambient music; i could totally sample some scratched cds... i havent been songwriting as much, but still practicing guitar every day or so. i need to get a proper desk... and a pickup truck, and a cd scratch cleaner. bleh... also been listening to alot of elliott smith and white chalk by pj harvey. make some tea this morning!
happy birthday pj harvey! ive been a bit unmotivated in my songwriting as of late; still writing lyrics nearly everyday and making drum loops, but in terms of a finished song i only have one right now for an upcoming project. i have a lot of ideas though. i might pull a grimes, hunker down and just work, work, work, have my roommate slip me plates of spaghetti. ive been inspired lately by four tet's live setup; ive been wanting an sp404 for years at this point, and now i just want one even more. maybe a yamaha su10... nvm about that last one, just saw the prices online. ill just get the 404mk2 at least that one has a more usable sequencer. jfc why is the su10 $400... very moronic just get a po-33 at that point
laisse tomber les filles (french version of chick habit) by april march is very good. i unsubcribed from apple music, finally. im gonna try to get my ipod modded at some point
i heart tracker music... i just finished my first song using tracker stuff in it, ill be using it alot more in my production now... i need to get a sp-404 for my live performance stuff, in addition to alot more pedals lol. and a better amp... anyways whatever im trying to make my music however i can right now; my home studio is so messed up lol i record a song in a new way every single time at this rate. so awesome... i need to write songs in a more performable way rather than like i cant paint the whole painting again in front of yall on stage yknow. idk being a solo artist is a lot harder bc u wear all the hats but itz alot of fun
listening to skinny puppy and death grips right now. check out the new cps ep now; my fav song off it is prob we miss you or less pol. the new geordie greep album looks promisisng; holy holy was a really good single. ive also been listening to details by frou frou, that album is excellent. i cant get enough of imogen heap.... mad planets is so much better than julie imo but i still love both of them; i was listening to mad planets for awhile otw to swim today. salem's king night is also pretty good; more atmospheric than anything. c-clamp's longer waves is also really good, early emo excellence. i still need to listen to the new softies album and the new los bitchos... same with the new porter robinson. english teacher's this could be texas is one of my favorite releases of the year, with the new jpegmafia album sortly behind that one.
i desperately need to switch and not use streaming anymore. i have my giant ass cd collection in my living room, so most days im playing something from there. also, i found i can download new firmware, get flash storage, and convert from firewire to usb on my ipod gen 3 so i can finally start using that again, that instead of using my phone probably. i also need to get a new battery for that thing too... wonder if someone's made a bluetooth mod for one yet? itd be purrfect for my speaker; super busted jbl clip 3 my beloved... realized i used to listen to sleigh bells and ada rook loud af on my ebike last year around this time lol, very faggy of me >< gravity weapon is such a good song itz like today's tokyo drift; it makes u feel like ur driving 35 instead of 25 lol. cant believe id drive frequently without a helmet; good thing i wore it in my one actual crash
the david byrne cover of hard times that just released is really good... dance and dance and jump around :3 ida's album will you find me is, again, really good, and reminds me heavily of like, a distilation of emo, post punk, and mum's music... very cool.! paramore riot album is also good i guess, yeah! i feel like one of those really famous directors who get asked in interviews what movie influenced them the most and they just sidestep the question by saying that they really liked that new minions movie. i love music. YEAH! sounds. i played guitar for awhile on the porch today; brought my tiny little amp out and stuff. wonder what the new taylor swift fortnite song is about... its fine. idgaf about taylor swift. final dollhouse show hosted at mudpit so excited :3 I KLOVEB P;AREARPMPORWE YAYYYYYYYY
i love 100 gecs
the new mannequin pussy record is still really good. the past is still alive by hurray for the riff raff is also a super good new record yall should check out. hopefully that recent grimes performance means shes gonna put out a single or something soon. hopefully shes not as corny on her new material as shes been on her previous record. ive only seen music videos for atarashii gakko, but i really like the vocals the main girl does so i should listen more. that deeper register is something i love ^^ i watched lost highway last night, so of course ive got rammstein on the brain still. haus der luge by einsturzende neubauten is a record i heard about recently that sounds similar (might just be me hearing german vocals though) consumer revolt by cop shoot cop is genuinely such a good industrial record its so scary and great. i need to listen to the new jesus and mary chain record, havent heard much about it but like come on. its jesus and mary chain. the new adrianne lenker record is also really fucking good; the instrumentals and the quality the piano has on those songs are inspiring me in the same way mum's music does for my music. i wanna be doing shit like that... however, the new version of vampire empire sounds wayyy too 2014 google commercial for me. call me a hater i guess. i might have talked about this before already, but hyperpop is so fucking dead. they started playing a "hyperpop radio" playlist thing or whatever when i went to 2nd street in manhattan and it immediately started playing cake pop and jockstrap. like we need 100 gecs to put out an ep or something like their self titled, just something chopped up and fun. for now ill keep listening pretty hate machine.
i only have time to write this: mannequin pussy's i got heaven is good
happy leap day! new bjork ep just got put up on streaming with remixes by underworld, super hyped. alot of people on /mu/ are talking about bengalfuel and i dont really get the appeal. like sure its good ambient music but not like mind blowing. like id be hyped about it if i knew them irl but i dont so im not. like thats just some guy. the underworld bjork remixes are fire. as to be expected lol. watch trainspotting if you havent the soundtrack is so fucking good. the kelley deal 6000 is really good, learned about them thru may 2002; i think i talked about may in my last post but whatever. kelley deal is pretty similar in style to early breeders so its pretty good. i need to listen to sleater kinney. aimee mann's soundtrack for magnolia is so fucking good, classic 90s singer songwritter type stuff. magnolia is one of my favorite movies too; check out both. unrelated but im excited to try the new monster flavor, ultimate fantasy ruby red or something? the dismemberment plan is terrified. also velocity girl. bye!
annie is very tired. practiced for noise set the other night. im going to be screaming alot during my set ^^ i have written a lot of poems that i wanna use at lyrics, but theyre so jumbly and wordy that i dont think ill be able to not have to read them. whatevs itll be fine. im going to play my 12 string jazzmaster during the set :3 i dont want to bring many pedals, but i feel like ill need to because i need a kill switch and a looper and distortion and delay... that brings the pedal count to 4, but im trying to decide between the big muff or the ds-1 or both for distortion... probably going to just go with ds-1. im crazy
oki so if you arent DENSE u probably saw the link to my new ep on my homepage which you should TOTES check out. itz super cool trust me guys. anyways ive been getting more into the sundays and nin as of late, also more skinny puppy. plugging into my inner desire to be a death grips cover band. i am going to dollhouse and mudpit tonight hopefully; my most rabid stalkers please dont try to give me an axe wound. much appreciated. haha... ill probably get like, so super sick from going to those shows now that i think about it...
i have a show coming up at thorndon underground on the 2nd of march!!! noise set af very cool come out dorks >:3 if you can and are in the syracuse area i guess lol. i have been trying to write like actual songs as of late, like signing to myself first and then making lyrics that make sense rhythmicly and then making something surrounding it. or the other way around, with a guitar and beat or something. my old method of just recording a really long guitar take and layering shit all over it is not very condusive for making like performable music.
sorry i havent updated much of my other pages as of late >,< kerguelen vortex by aural vampire is such a good fucking album, i just found out about it. take a listen if u havent ^^ gillaband is also really good, id recommend their early year ep to start. i went to the black eyes show in dc last monthl; it was so good! they played deformative and the whole crowd went too crazy, they had to say like please stay safe when moshing haha. i usually dont mosh because i dont want my outfit to get torn up, but ill be at the perimeter pushing and shit at least :3 i have a show playing tonight; if you cant attend u can always listen to a recording ill have up on my bandcamp shortly after ^^
my apple music on my computer has been bugging out the past two weeks its so annoying. i need to get my airpods fixed bc like i need music during these fucking lectures. ive been listening to new order again, just like singles and stuff but still. i need to listen to more sonic youth; i really loved dummy but i havent listened to much else in their catalogue. i have been wanting to write more music to put out a single soon, but i only have a handful of demos and not a lot of lyrics. i have been super excited about the unvailing of the ep-133 by teenage engineering; i could totally see myself doing live sets with it.
return of the queen. lol. listen to the streets, listen to jawbreaker, listen to fiona apple and patti smith, blah blah blah the usual. ive really been loving braid as of late, their cover of this charming man and do you love coffee are two ive been listening to alot. *british accent* erm i do not like the smiths ive never liked the smiths... pj harvey continues to be under discussed in any and all music spaces, she truly is one of the best oat. silver springs by fleetwood mac doesnt get enough attention, despite the new-found attention on rumors as of late. i still need to listen to f# a# infinity by godspeed you black emperor. im trying to learn open d tuning but ive been lazy about it; ive got alot on my plate right now.
need to get either my copy of vestpertine replaced or fixed bc the cd skips like crazy. been listening to cds a lot more since ive moved into my new place; i should get myself an actual like shelf to have all the cds in + to hold my boombox on top of. itz fun having it on the floor but that can only get u so far ig. at least before someone starts complaining about the noise. i just bought like $50 worth of guitar strings since all my guitars now have broken strings and itz annoying that now only one is usable. (shoutouts to my 12 string jazzmaster ^^) i need to listen thru more of black dresses' catalogue since ive only really listened to peaceful as hell and a lot of ada's solo work.
relistened to medulla by bjork yesterday and like omg that album is so fucking underrated. literally some of her best songs on there, especially oceania, (i have it on cd as a single :D) but also desired constellation, who is it, and triumph of a heart. i think many get turned off from this album because of its unique instrumentation and lack of consistency, but i think that's one of its better qualities. it reminds me not only of the critical reception, but also the general vibe and lack of consistency present with radiohead's amnesiac. amnesiac is one of, if not my fav radiohead album, so that resemblence really makes me adore medulla more. plus, the art direction for the album art is so fucking gorgeous; its easily one of my favorites and pairs perfectly with what vespertine was previously achieving. the music video for where is the line is also really fucking cool and scary, love that song too!
ive just put out my very first song on bandcamp! itz called black field and u can check it out here :3 ive also recently aquired myself a squier twelve string jazzmaster!!! itz so fun and awesome and it sounds so great and ive already put stickers on it i love it :3 i might name it somefin... will brainstorm this for a bit hehe >w< i just found out that a new collection of connie converse demos were released today and im so happy omg! i havent even listened to the new mitski album bc ive been too busy today writing and recording music and listening to the new connie release :3 very good day indeed ^^ anyways um thats all for right now, ill probably update more in the main logs later today when im at work. bye for now! :3
finally back at my job ^^ listening to even more pj harvey and kate bush; uh huh her is one of my new favs of pj harvey's. one of my fav songs right now is feed the tree by belly, really fun alt rock track from the 90s thats similar to the breeders. i updated the playlist i made for work too since i have access again to The Work Desktop. feist is also fun :3 i should listen to more of cocteau twins' lesser known albums / other releases other than their big two albums. been meaning to listen to the new yeule stuff, chaos is me by orchid, blue rev by alvvays, and the new mitski singles being released. i need to get my tickets soon for death grips this month, but i dont wanna spend money rn on train tickets and concert tickets bc im lazy but also because i wanna buy a jazzmaster and i need to pay some stuff off... i hate money i hate having to pay for stuff!!!
hi everypony! ive recently been listening to a lot of pj harvey, american football, kero kero bonito, radiohead, kate bush, lsd and the search for god, and elliott smith. i even got a radiohead shirt from hot topic the other day!!! i need to get a modified bear sticker for my water bottle... i recently purchased a 50w vox valvetronix and have been playing with that a lot, its so cool... i got it used from a guitar center because i had wanted to buy one online but i didnt want to pay shipping for one... i want to get a squier 12 string jazzmaster in white; they just released them this summer and i think they look so cool and would be fun :3 i have also been getting some new cds and stuff; i found medula used on cd finally at my record store >w< ive been recording some music for a while but i just finished recording a song that i feel comfortable releasing! i want to release it as a single, but i wanna have like a b-side with it... i was thinking of doing a cover of rock star by hole since i really love that song :3 if u wish to see my bandcamp where ill be uploading it, its right here :3 i hope yall listen and like it when i do release it! fuck the smiths
apologies for the lack of updates on this end of the website, ive been lazy... been recording a couple demos here and there having fun ^^ anyways heres an updated, smaller list of albums i want on cd:
sophie - oil of every pearl's un-insides
radiohead - knives out ep disc 2
crystal castles - self titled 1
cocteau twins - the moon and the melodies
american football - self titled 1
ichiko aoba - windswept adan
the cranberries - everybody else is doing it, so why cant we?
mazzy star - among my swan
kate bush - hounds of love
kero kero bonito - time n place
lily chou-chou - kokyuu
margo guryam - take a picture
massive attack - mezzanine
mum - summer make good
my bloody valentine - loveless
neil young - harvest moon
pink floyd - wish you were here
pj harvey - stories from the city, stories from the sea
regina spektor - 11:11
sasaguchi so-on harmonica - normal songs
sibylle baier - colour green
slint - spiderland
the smashing pumpkins - adore
stereolab - dots and loops
strawberry switchblade - self titled
supercar - futurama
swans - soundtracks for the blind
underscores - fishmonger
vashti bunyan - just another diamond day
whatever, dad - grade pending
thank you for continually reading my blog ^^ i really really adore music so its very nice to me that some people r reading and listening to my recommendations and stuff and learning more about music :3
keep letting it linger yall :3 i wanna get that cranberries album on vinyl and cd now... same with mazzy star's among my swan. been seeing a ton of people picking up that cd on tiktok recently... i gave my friend a promo copy of it on cd for christmas, he was stoked about it :3 i was playing my new toe vinyl today but i kept getting interupted in the middle of it playing so i only heard like half of it. dont tell the other viewers of the site, but im gonna get a bit high before i write the 1am special brooding mother's day edition of the log page >:3c shhh! also, basement on a hill came in the mail on thursday or wednesday; havent spun yet but the pressing is gorg. its the recent newbury comics pressing on like seafoam vinyl if u were curious. once played that album from the cd, thru my cd walkman, thru my really dinky headphones really loud to emulate some like tiny speakers basically when i had one of my love interests over one night lol :3 we didnt do anything besides cuddle and look out at my wonderful view and talk, it was such a comforting and nice night and i really treasure that time back in october... she left at like 4am too, we walked together to her car so nothing bad would happen... shes living that cowboygirl dream for sure, good times hehe ^_^
11pm update!: this song is what im using tonight to kick off my naughty weed activities tonight >:3c arent i just a joy... finally spun the basement on a hill pressing i got in the mail the other day, it came really dirty and the sleeve was kinda fucked up unfortunately... i want to buy archival sleeves for my vinyl eventually, but that means less interaction with all the included goodies... i also want to get a brush for cleaning my needle and the records before i spin anything but that comes down to procrastination in finding a good brush lol :3 did a fair amount of bass playing today which i havent done in awhile; i need to buy a new guitar cable soon, like a 1/4 inch cable. maybe one from that dinosaur jr collab with fender... also need to get this one vox amp on reverb that im trying to gatekeep... i should get on that asap bc its a super good price for a used 50W amp... >,< okay thats all i think, gonna watch vinny streams :3
new vinyl pickups! :D i got toe's book on caramel vinyl which i was freaking out about when i saw it at the record store. apparently krs is putting out a ton more represses of elliott's catalogue and they had new moon on standard black vinyl so i had to get it >w< finally they had janet jackson's the velvet rope on vinyl used so i had to get that too of course :3 i bought from a basement on a hill too, but that was a pre-order from like a week ago on this special blue vinyl
finally able to listen to my vinyl again >w< unfortunately the cd storage situation is brutal to say the least... heres a pic of it like omg... lot of music listening in the past couple of days :3 i also saw faye webster in concert on the 28th!!! she was so fucking good omg i was freaking the fuck out when she came out :3 i brought my faye cd in hopes she'd sign it but i lost my sharpie when going thru security and didnt see me... i mean its fine idrk about getting shit signed, especially since i had a lot of fun at the show
dont let it linger... :3 i was so tempted to drop $100 on discogs to import 5 cds from japan im crazy... but i need ichiko aoba and massive attack on cd... and the japanese version of when the pawn hits the conflicts he thinks like a king what he knows throws the blows when he goes to the fight and he'll win the whole thing fore he enters the ring there's no body to batter when your mind is your might so when u go solo you hold your own hand and know that depths is the greatest of heights and if you know where u stand then you know where to land and if you fall it wont matter bc youll know that you're right with across the universe on it :3 yes i did fucking type the whole fucking title out from memory bc im silly >w< anyways ive been trying to practice guitar a bit more but im procrastinating about using a metronome... i wanna buy a little neat looking storage container to keep my cds in so that theyre easier to move considering i move around a lot. but the one im looking at is a real fancy one that's $40 so im delaying the purchase until i move back home from uni for the summer. i want to get a 50W amp or just a big amp since my super shitty 10W is on its last legs. also like just a piece of equipment like that is almost a piece of furnature considering u can just like put drinks or rest ur feet on it and shit since its so big... will be good for dorm life in general since it has multiple uses... i need to get more homewear in general... i lowkey love furnature and rooms and stuff rofl :3 i wanna play my mellon collie cd on my ps2 loud in my room but tbh i wear headphones most of the time in my room so i guess i wont lol. scrobbling is my life :P i should get a couple vinyls tbh i havent gotten any since last summer bc having them in your dorm is a massive pain in the ass if u dont have something specifically to store them in. im the coding master!!! i want to get an amp, then like cables and random little quality-of-life things for myself before i get any new instruments. id want a telecaster, a glockenspiel, and a model:cycles. possibly a pocket operator too; i have a po-33 brand new in box that ive been meaning to sell since theyre kinda valueable and i dont sample sounds in that kind of way i guess. also got hazel's twinkle park cassette in the mail yesterday!!! :D
smashing pumpkins are really so good omg... listening to the solo material from the girls in black dresses; my friend showed me something off of mom's self-titled ep. messed me up inside >,< dude playing music is so dumb omg. it just gets harder and harder... anyways i was playing a bunch of bass on a friend's setup the other night while i was really high, just jamming out some tapping and slap bass for awhile while i talked about flcl and other random nerd shit lol. vashti bunyan was not the vibe in the smoke circle apparently... weird af like u dont wanna here some lady singing really sweetly as you take a fat rip off a bong like what? that was like semi sarcastic. anyways i need to practice guitar more, need to figure out how to play some chords on different points of the fret board and to play well while on a metronome. and finger picking techniques! love finger picking. hope sandoval's first solo album has her doing finger picking like me (random ass fingering using my thumb and middle finger and shit lol), so idk why i need to really practice it that much... /j i already do a ton of fingering idk why i need to practice it even more on the guitar!!! ;3c silly silly annie omg...
im a major dumbass. at work my work station has two monitors but ive just been having chrome and my job's spotify just on top of each other on one screen for the past like two weeks. like bitch you have two fucking monitors for a reason like fuck off. anyways lots of vashti bunyan, hope sandoval, connie converse, and the weather station today at work. a bfa senior is playing electro-swing out of their phone at one of the work stations and its really annoying. she has her work up in the studio to see how the prints look like when hanging, theyre literally the weirdest self portraits ever and theyre lowkey scary but in like a bad way. i wanna get more records and cds at the same time that i have the urge to get rid of everything besides like 12 cds. thats more of an overarching thing with me having too much stuff rather than it being exclusive to music, but jfc i have a lot of physical music around. like its absurd at this point lol. i need to practice guitar more; my friend said to start practicing with a metronome and just do simple stuff so that i get a sense of rhythm down well. she was also trying to teach me this finger picking technique, but i could hardly get even half of it down lol >,< i wanna make an ep but id need to like. write music first lol. ive been doing poems here and there, im thinking i can maybe make them into songs at some point, or to at least use them as a jumping point for a song. margo guryan is really good too holy shit, her 27 demos album is so fun :3
okay im making a huge list of cds i need to buy. im too lazy to like have them in a notebook and i think itd be fun to share! :3
-just like any lamp cds
-kero kero bonito's time n place
-toe's the book about my idle plot on a vague anxiety
--(i should gatekeep them more but eh i think sharing them on the blog is okay)
-radiohead's com lag 2 + 2 = 5 and i might be wrong eps
-kate bush's never for ever and hounds of love
-adrienne lenker's abysskiss
-big thief's ufof
-the smashing pumpkins aeroplane singles cd boxset thingy
-arca's mutant
--(and just like the other kicks i havent gotten yet too)
-the rest of mitski's albums
-deftone's saturday night wrist and the covers album
-my bloody valentine's loveless
-björk's medulla
--(probably going to get a group listing of her cds from like japanese mercari or smth)
-primus cds
-cocteau twins' heaven or las vegas
--(ill never learn how to spell cocteau)
-vashti bunyan cds
--(shes the best)
-the og version of elliott smith's self titled album
-alex g's trick and dsu and also god save the animals
-faye webster's atlanta millionaires club
-margo guryan's take a picture and 25 demos
-pj harvey stories from the city stories from the sea
--(i have the demos version on cd bc my record store only stocks those new reissues of the demos on cd
--(for some reason)
-sibylle baier's colour green
-beabadoobee's beatopia
-blood orange cds
-aphex twin's drukqs
--(having the vinyl boxset would be like my absolute dream)
-ag cook's 7g boxset
--(on the fence on this one but its a cool boxset so)
-black country, new road's albums
-bridget st john's ask me no questions
-ecco2k's pxe
--(the ebay prices of the used version are coming down a bit to the retail price so i might get it second hand before the repress)
-joni mitchell's for the roses
-otoboke beaver's albums
--(i kinda wanna get the signed picture disc of itekoma hits...)
-talking head's remain in light
--(how tf do i not already have this one lol)
-heatmiser's mic city sons
-100 gecs' 1000 gecs
-the cranberries' everybody...
-marcy plaground's self titled
-debating on getting the limited edition of the chainsaw man kick back cd
-lift your skinny fists like antennas to heaven
the tuss' rushup edge
supercar's futurama
the moldy peaches' self titled
american football's lp1 / self titled
frakkur's 2000-2004
unwound's new plastic ideas
jfc that was alot haha, hope yall like the reccommendations! :3
UPDATE from 4.13.2023: i have more cds >,<
-vashti bunyan cds in general
-yaeji's with a hammer
-massive attack's mezzanine
-fishmans stuff
-masterpiece by big thief
--(more big thief in general)
-a little fable by aspidistrafly
-cat power's myra lee
-anything whatever, dad
-haley heynderickx's i need to start a garden
-jana hunter's there's no home
-more supercar
--anything supercar
-bavarian fruit bread by hope sandoval
-vashti bunyan's some things just stick in your mind
jfc amnesiac is literally so fucking good holy shit. easily like top 5 radiohead albums. i would say its better than in rainbows but ill literally get crucified so... okay but like by who? okay fine ill say it ummm kid a and ok computer are at the same level at the very top, then amnesiac, then in rainbows followed by the bends, but like just barely... i havent actually given moon shaped pool a listen the whole way through for some reason so ill say its like... top 5 for right now. no idea where tho. i couldnt give a rats ass about hail to the thief for some reason like idk i just do not care for it. i think ill get more hate for that tbh bc ive seen people hold that album alot higher in recent years. i brought back a bunch of cds from home so now my cd rack looks like this lol. fucking awesome :3 um anyways please listen to joni mitchell's blue. whatever you do just listen to it. its the best. not better than when the pawn but like. basically its up there. the holy trinity rn is when the pawn, how sad how lovely, and blue. goated af albums. i just wrote like a fuck ton on that sub link and its so fucking tiny lol. i think im gonna attach the link to it to that little spinny icon in the top right bc it looks like a cd and goes over all my cds lol. hope u enjoyed! happy listening and safe travels! :3
coupons are kinda like effect cards or whatever u call them in like pokemon tcg... i wanna get swans cds because they look so cool; i love the children of god album :3 i saw a cd for it at the record store but it was a date night with wifey so i didnt wanna spend a bunch; i only got used copies of mellow gold and Yukari's Perfect! by Yukari Fresh on cd. i saw a super deluxe version of white pony on vinyl that was like a booklet thing for $120? crazy... they also had a bunch of really good used vinyl that just came in, a lot of childish gambino. my coworker has been recommending me a lot of really good stuff recently. i made a playlist thats just like thudding big banger tracks for when im angry or super hyper lol, lots of death grips tracks i loved in 8th grade hehe :3 listening to a couple cds this afternoon plus the live version of half right off of the elliott smith self titled rerelease :3
the tuss is so good :3 i need to listen to more lamp and supercar, theyre some others too... more bright eyes, i tried to run away when i was 6 :D new 10000000000 gecs must listen very biggg. i need to go potty again... SWANS!!! and the green album :3 disintegration is the best album ever! we'll miss u robert smith! we should roshambo for it!!!!!
ive been practicing guitar a bit more! i used my weed pen as a slide... i also got some new cds: come to daddy and i care because u do by aphex twin, more adveturous by rilo kiley, love deluxe by sade, the green album by weezer... gross... disintegration by the cure, (robert smith on south park hehe) and fevers and mirrors by bright eyes! idk if i mentioned this yet, but i got how sad, how lovely by connie converse on cd for myself for christmas too! also schlagenheim and hellfire by black midi on cd, i have the schlagenheim poster on my wall! so cool >w< my room is like super super cool omg, i love music hehe
i have made a SEVERE lapse in judgement. fetch the boltcutters on my topster should sit between steroids and big thief. thank you, that's all
i made a topster for my current top albums! check it out here! there was supposed to be a background color, but it wont show up during rendering... >,<
its funny looking at my last post here because now i have all of elliott smith's cds now lol... anyways ive heard a lot more music since then! (i think) mazzy star is one of my favs right now, as well as black midi and big thief. dnwmibiy by big thief is definitely my album of the year, adrianne is so fucking talented omg. im starting to get back into lamp a bit here and there. the cardigans are one of the most underrated bands like ever even though they made fucking lovefool. fiona apple the goat, just recently finished collecting her discography on cd, except for when the pawn's japanese release with the extra songs but that doesn't really count... i just got myself connie converse's how sad how lovely on cd for myself for christmas, absolutely adore that fucking album omg. ive been getting into a lot of folk recently– really love sibylle baier and vashti bunyan and margo guryan! wonder why all their names are so odd...
i went to the record store on sunday with a friend of mine and got a fuck ton of cds... two radioheads, kick iiiii, vulnicura, ohms by deftones, and either/or. i hadnt heard elliott smith's music before, but heard tons of good things about it. loving either/or, its a lot like alex g's trick imo. i also got the money store split vinyl repress, as well as the richard d james album on vinyl. ive been wanting the split release of the money store since 2018 when i discovered the band, so its nice to finally have it. every night i fall asleep to cds, so having relaxing releases like kick iiiii and either/or on cd is very nice to have. sorry im not in the brightest mood thru my typing rn, im kinda depressed. rainy day with nothing to do, yknow. ciao (i just remembered that i also ordered some other vinyls. bladee's gluee is gonna get to me tomorrow, and i preordered flcl vol. 3 on colored vinyl about a week ago. love my big plastic music discs >:] )
recent vinyl pickups!!! >x< i preordered faye webster's car therapy sessions on brown vinyl, got the blue+white faye self titled and the standard edition vinyl of i know im funny haha. before that, i preordered the kick boxset, bleep or whoever had it in stock said itd be shipped by the 17th so ill probably get it by the end of the month hopefully. then i got bury me at makeout creek standard edition by mitski off her website, somehow still had it in stock ^_^. then i got the new big thief record made of the recycled vinyl, i got brown and green for my discs. if you havent yet, yall totally need to listen to it its so fucking good!!!!!! before that, i got &&&&& by arca 2020 repress and glitch princess by yeule on green vinyl from sound garden, super convenient to shop from considering im so close to their main location. waiting also on the motomami red vinyl preorder. i would post my discogs but id totally get doxxed or some shit from that... okay byeee >,<
okay so ive been listening to a lot of music recently... and by a lot of music i mean a lot of aphex twin and others lol >,<
after having mum's "finally we are no one" (yes i know mum has an accent, this font doesn't support accents though xP) in my discogs watchlist for years, (probably since 2018) i gave it a listen and omg its so good one of my new favs. as soon as i listened thru the first two songs i instantly bought the cd. that and saw 2 by aphex twin. for the past week, every single night, i listen to the saw 2 cd to fall alseep to. i would play it over my phone but idk id rather wear my headphones. i use a pair of koss headphones that're the ones that loosely sit on your outer ear so it doesn't hurt them for a long time and you can hear straight thru them. im writing this in pen before uploading, using one of those clear plastic muji ballpoints. i got a bunch of them when i went to nyc on monday, they write so fucking well. highly recommend the .38 size. anyways, saw 2. such a beautiful and sleepy album with so many fucking good tracks holy shit. thanks pitchfork for giving it a ten. because it deserves it. i was importing my copy of nin's the fragile onto my ibook g4 (i use it to put my cd's music onto my ipod gen 3) and i was like huh i never listened to the album let me search it on pitchfork and bitch they gave the album a 2 or some shit like omg. (to be fair, the reviewer sounds like a total loser lol so take it with a grain of salt loool) like they made the quake soundtrack it cant be that bad... (i played quake on a windows 98 tower all the time in summer 2018... i was a super nerdy egg then... >,< ) anyways my scrobbles have been like 120 for aphex twin because i listen to saw 2 every fucking night lol... then after that is radiohead (sorry) at 43. (sorry again) mainly playing the bends and a little bit of in rainbows, a week and a half ago it was amnesia. after that is mitski, arca, and bestie faye webster who're all in the 40s and 30s. recommending apple music and scrobbling to all the babes reading this, listen to feist's let it die, listening to it as im writing this its so good. stan feist, stan mum, and fuck that nerd richard looool... ciao loves <3 langley
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